What is Stopping Flexible Displays From Taking Over?


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Perhaps flexible displays are the one piece of technology that companies want to perfect before throwing them out into the wild? Think about it, they’re taking a big bet with flexible displays.

    Mike The Legendary Gamer

    I agree, tech companies need to take time for more development and more importantly taking perseverance into the project


    Consumer education is going to be important as well. Otherwise we’ll have a rash of people creasing their “foldable” displays, only to crack and ruin them.


    I think it is more about patents and usability. The big companies are having battles over flexible display tech. The other side is the usability. Although it is very cool such a flexible screen, what is it actually going to be used for vs durability? Curved screens already flooded the market and for the home usage there is no need for more curves. Phone screens tried curves as well, but did really catch on, plus why would it? Phones and tabs (etc) need regidity to function good and to offer durability. Flexible motherboards, chips etc are not there yet ๐Ÿ˜‰ So what is the usage of a flexible screen then? Other then the “ooh cool” factor and perhaps commercial display setups? To me personally the flexible display market will mostly be for production advantages once the tech has been refined and production processes optimized. As i said before, current display tech already allows for curving.

Here’s Johnnie

Mom: “Timmy! We’re going! Grab whatever you plan to bring!ย ย ย  “Timmy: “uuuuhhhh fine.” *rolls up TV and puts in car*


    sรฉjqHere’s Johnnie

    Dheepesh SS



    U won’t laughing in 2040 Johnnie boy.


    I hate memes.




I want a phone screen that rolls up into a pen, and can extend to a tablet sized display…


    RockCh4lk it’s a give and take,i die I’ve don’t mind that, ima use it like a book on table


    Where do you keep all the other components that run the screen?

    Zachary McCartney

    explain to me how the battery and components will be flexible ? this will never be possible until true wireless charging takes over.

    redstone craft guy

    KMS MEMES we could battery outside of the flexible screen

    mousanaony mous

    @Zachary McCartney batteries and circuit boards are flexible now. Check em out

Hi! Iโ€™m Dr. Dewormer!!

I definitely want smart wallpaper that will act as a wall sized window to the outside world(and very large TV of course). You see out but everyone on the other side sees nothing but the brick and mortar.

    Ekine Bobmanuel

    Oh my gosh you’re like Mildred from fahrenheit 451


    yeah, you just described an old Disney movie, were a family wins a free high tech house with an A.I.. whose walls could change to a huge TV, different city views, and able to play virtual games like golf. all from their display wall or what you call “smart wallpaper”


    Blake Truax wall-e


    having a digital “window” would suck because it’s not ever going to be like a window. It’s a flat display, not a 3D portal. And no, the already existing 3D displays can’t emulate the depth of the outdoors as you walk around your bat cave. Windows aren’t easy entry if you have safety glass or Lexan etc. Just use the simple, real thing, makes more sense.


    they already do exactly that on cruise ships to simulate a large window in the cabin.


Flexible displays would be perfect for VR. With the right lenses we could have peripheral vision.

    Philip Sammons

    That’s just the Gear VR, There is the Oculus Rift, and other ones that are much more powerful than the gear VR.

    Eilize Zila

    “Or imagine making a room for VR with the screens on the walls; maybe even the ceiling/floor, instead of relying on glasses.”

    so you have return in the past , marty…
    a rich fan of quake make it years ago

    wait !!!
    it’s like that VR
    i feel old, nobody to see they treat us as a cow :p


    +Rusty Thumbs Gaming Displays are just a crappy stop gap; I think we’ll ditch them sooner than you think. You’re making an image on this large, bulky display the size of a large phone, only to project an image (at infinity for the Vive, and I think at 1 m for the Oculus). A tiny little bit of that light makes it into the eye (i.e. cordless will require a big bulky battery because only a fraction of 1% of the light goes where it’s supposed to) and there’s no way to have different focal distances (e.g. based on the Z-buffer of the rendered scene).

    You don’t need to do it that way. You only need that little bit of light, shaped in just the right way that goes straight into your pupil; and that’s a digital lightfield display.

    Laur-un (stage name, actually called Faith)

    you’re onto something

    Drift Simulator

    i have LG Signature 4K 65 ๐Ÿ™‚ is like a paper on wall ๐Ÿ˜€
    but if people want to use as VR it will need bigger size than 65, i play games on big tv for long time and it looks normal for me ๐Ÿ˜›


I’ve seen this but it was about 6 years ago AND the first functioning flex display was made in Australia; I think it was in Adelaide, and was first reported on Yahoo. Samsung was going to fund the following 2 years of research with the specific goal in production of that in Australia. The “major” issue wasn’t the display but where the power supply and the electrical components were going to be held/mounted. Basically it’s design was boiled down to the last guy in the commercial, the ones with the pop-out screen. It was a cylinder about 200 X 8 mm and powered by a Li-polymer flex cell battery. Back then, the projected cost would have been around $650-700 AUD ($650-700 American). This was also shown about 3 years ago and was supposed to be on the market by 2015. Honestly, I don’t think it will make it mass market, at the Very earliest, until 2025 for the consumer in a portable device.

Bhaskar GUNDU

I am excited to share my idea of an appliance I was thinking of : ” a rollable laptop”, so that, “just like a domestic magentic scale, that rolls into a square case, and when opened, it stretches as a stiff one, to measure surfaces”, I imagined rollable laptops, that would roll into a pen and kept into pocket, and once, the user wants to use, he would just press a button on the pen’s cap, then, it would stretch open as a screen (and with touch sensors, it would have a soft keypad).This is what I thought and I was wondering how wonderful it would be to have stretchable, flexible and rollable printed electronic circuits. And, yes, this is done by you. !!!


I’d imagine the biggest problem in every day use is creasing. Foldable displays probably wouldn’t last long, roll out ones might be a bit better, but they might just feel too flimsy.

Mark-Angelo Famularcano

Foldable displays can make interactive globes! Imagine having a globe that can be changed to suit any geographical or geopolitcal visualization! It would be an excellent teaching tool!

Bud C.

They could be used in the construction industry for large blueprints. One advantage for large blueprints is that you can have many people stand around and view and point at things on the blueprint so you can communicate your ideas easily. Small screens mean that only a few people standing next to each other can show ideas at one time. Also large screens mean you have a giant bulky rigid screen to carry around. So having a large roll-able screen is the best of all worlds combined into one product. It also allows for corrections or changes to be made on the spot that are instantly relayed to everyone else without having to re print blueprints.

Chris Dokino

I think it will do wonders for things like pole advertising and in immersive 3D things, think about having a 10′ square or circular room that is showing you the inside of the louvre and you can explore it. It would also revolutionize shipping of TVs. Imagine going to Best Buy and buying an 80″ TV that comes in a tube. Maybe they ca make it where you can connect panels to panels to expand the size of the TV or to add a widget to that TV. A square you connect to the side of your wall mounted TV that displays email or news alerts or a website.

Inverted V12 Powerhouse

another problem that must be tackled with these is in software, having current aspect ratios like 16:9/21:9 and others. The screen may look a bit distorted the more its folded? unless when you fold it around you in games, you increase your field of view. either way it would be useful just when it comes to ease of transportation


These are a great idea with so many potential uses.
I feel that as a phone screen though one simple issue people may have is that when pressing buttons on the screen for example, they like it to be a hard surface that they press against.
Ok, so you can use a table i guess but what if that’s not available.

Native Texan

I’m less concerned with the flexibility and foldability of the display. What interests me more is the paper thin nature of it. I’d love to have a large TV on my wall that is essentially just wallpaper.

    redstone craft guy

    Me too!

    Natanael Martinez

    Buy a projector.

    B ba

    @Native Texan wallpaper TV is available now

    Laur-un (stage name, actually called Faith)

    what I’m thinking about are screens imbedded on clothes or paper like book covers… would be cool

    Drift Simulator

    i have it ๐Ÿ˜€
    LG Signature 4K 65

Jason Flynn

I like the idea of using them in augmented reality. If you were able to make the screen fully transparent but still display stuff on certain sections, you could cover a pair of glasses with them, like the guy in the video. That would absolutely amazing. VR would also be an awesome application because you could reduce a massive amount of the bulk in a VR headset, due to the fact that the screen is so light and flexible, only requiring the accelerometers and motion tracking, which is already pretty small.

Jason Goatcher

With flexible displays, you could bend it any angle that suits you. Maybe sit close for full immersion in a game, and have it wrapped around with the bridge of your nose as the center of the curve. Or have a slight curve, and watch tv with your friends.

Even better is the idea of a cellphone that turns into a tablet just by unrolling it. Even if the expanded version only responds to touch on the hard part of the phone, it’d still be awesome to have an expansion ability.

Allen Holloway

Not only would it be great to get peripheral vision in non-VR games, but I really want to see a foldable, GPS map. Something to fit in a pocket rather than mounted.

Flexible displays don’t mean that they can be creased, though, so that would probably come a bit later. Rolling it up would work, though.

Quantum Flux

Here’s an idea for this technology. Does everyone remember photo printouts? This is literally going to possibly allow people to wall hang film reels and things like that on walls like a picture. Basically, in short, it’s like the Harry Potter moving images. Its a very versatile format that allows for video placement in very odd places. idk if anyone’s getting my drift here, but I think it’d be really cool for you to show someone a video on, essentially a piece of paper.

Alan Beasy

It would be perfect for my home built flight simulator. Wrap around screen would eliminate all the problems associated with setting up front, left and right views from the cockpit seat. Currently need to use three to six large lcds all running from synced computers with each screen showing a different view. Another approach currently used is to build a curved screen and use two or three projectors…. of course then needing to use warp software. The problem there is keeping the projections from jerking when the simulator is moving during flight aerobatics.
A curved tv screen or two would be fixed to the body of the simulator thus eliminating multiple flat screens or projectors.

    Alan Beasy

    Lurch7861 Ha ha. That was three years ago. Come a long way since then. Have built three axis motion sim – with a dual seat/dual control cockpit with three 55 inch 4K screen for front, left and right, plus three more for instrument panels. Not quite the cost of an actual plane but fairly pricy with high end computer to run everything. But of course I can go anywhere in the world with MSFS and I canโ€™t get killed doing risky stuff.

Curtis Gruver

When it comes to that kind of tech, I want a mansion where all the walls and ceilings are like obviously real strong normal walls, but the outside has like a ton of protected cameras and the inside is all seamless and flexible screens that I can turn on and off to make it seem like Iโ€™m sitting in a room without walls or ceilings. I could see the active feed of whatโ€™s going on outside.

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